Education for Mu Beta Psi
Why Educate with Mu Beta Psi?
Everyone has different reasons. Maybe you'd love the opportunity to do some service. Maybe you enjoy hanging out with other musicians, or just hanging out in general. More often than not, the more time you spend with the Fraternity, the more reasons you'll have to want to be part of it.
Do you have to be in a music ensemble?
No. We know all too well that musicians can be found everywhere on campus. We have music minors and non-minors, instrumentalists and singers, and people who can't sing or play a single note, but so far we've found this variety really makes things more interesting.
What is Mu Beta Psi's Hazing policy?
ABSOLUTELY NO HAZING occurs in Mu Beta Psi. Strict policies have been set at our national level, as well as at NMU, to prevent any sort of hazing. You will not ever be forced to do anything that goes against your personal honor, makes you uncomfortable, or could hurt you in any way.
What does Education involve?
Education is basically a semester of getting to know the Fraternity and its Brothers while they get to know you. The Education season usually lasts eight weeks. During this time, Member in Training(MIT) are expected to attend a weekly Education meeting (which is scheduled with the MITs' schedules in mind), and then spend some time each week hanging out with their Big Brothers, who are assigned at the beginning of Education. All of this is led by the Member Educator, who carefully guide the MITs through the Education season. The time commitment can be challenging, but like most things, the more you put into the Education, the more you will get out of it. This is a great time to make a lot of new friends!
What is Rush?
Rush is a period of social events meant to welcome anyone who might be interested in joining Mu Beta Psi to get to know us better. At this point, there is absolutely no pressure to Educate - it's just meant to be FUN! If after attending some of the events you feel like Educating, be sure to fill out an interest form or tell a Brother so we can make sure to get you started in the Education process.
How do I begin the Education?
You start by contacting the Member Educators or any Brother in the Fraternity and say you're interested, or by coming to any service or Rush event. From there, we'll tell you everything you need to know about the Pledging process.
How much does Mu Beta Psi cost?
Not much. Although exact numbers depend on different things like National dues, Active status, and Members in Training, it bears pointing out that we do not have a Fraternity house to pay for, and we are all pretty much poor college students.
Further Questions?
Feel free to contact any of our officers via the Contact page.