Mu Beta Psi was founded at North Carolina State University on November 5, 1925 by Major Percy W. Price. Percy "Daddy" Price was in charge of the military band initially. He later became the founder and director of the music program at the University. He founded Mu Beta Psi with the goal of bringing together the musicians in different ensembles and creating a family within the Music Department.
Mu Beta Psi has grown since its founding, and now has Active Chapters in North Carolina, Virginia, Michigan, New York, and New Jersey.
Rho Chapter was founded at Northern Michigan University on November 16, 2008 by Zeta Chapter (Michigan Technological University) and Nu Chapter (State University of New York at Oswego). ​While Rho was founded with components of both Zeta and Nu, we have developed our own sense of personality as a Chapter. Rho thrives on snowy days, lives in flannel, and has a stuffed moose mascot named Rho Joe. ​